So the anticipated night of Motley Crue (July 29th), has come and gone.

So soon we remember the chaos that surrounds the Coliseum when a concert is on. Cars trying to find parking litter the streets while trying not to run over the concert goers and the Chinese that want to provide you with the parking.

Standing in the line revealed the heat we were about to endure for the next 3 hours. Sweat and heat, Yuck. Got the pat down, cleared. But if you have gum be sure to put every last stick in yours and your friends' mouths, gum is now up there with drugs and booze and will be confiscated. As a concert goer of the 80's why the need to confiscate gum?

Great show!
Great people watching!

During the show a thought popped into my head. Here I am watching my favourite 80's rock band, in an environment full of people (some in costume), smoke, pyro-techniques, midgets and circus dancers (strippers?) and that the following morning I would be having breakfast on the beach with seniors enjoying pancakes.
Guess what Marlas....They played Ten Seconds to Love and Nanci says she still has the photos of our Grammy performance in our Grade 10 talent show. Dare I post a picture from that evening, we did come in 2nd place remember?